Encyclopedia of Invisibility

Wu Zetian

WU ZETIAN (also known as Wu Zhao, 17 February 624 AD–16 December 705 AD), historical Tang Dynasty figure that relentlessly climbed the imperial ladder to become the first and only female Emperor of China. Her reign, spanning from 690 to 705, into the Second Zhou Dynasty, was marked by a blend of extraordinary leadership and ruthlessness. Wu’s early life was marked by familial complexities, including tension with her half-brothers, whom she later sent into exile when she rose to power. Her upbringing coincided with the Tang Dynasty’s golden age—a period of immense prosperity, cultural flourishing, and political stability, when Tang China stood as a world center, boasting extensive diplomatic relations and flourishing trade along the Silk Roads. Gender dynamics during the Tang Dynasty saw a notable progression toward equality in comparison to preceding epochs, granting women like Wu Zetian increased autonomy and involvement across various societal spheres, including politics. This relatively progressive milieu empowered ambitious women like Wu Zetian to assert themselves and wield substantial influence.

Jaivin, Lina. The Shortest History of China. London: Old Street Publishing,

Lee, Yuen Ting. “Wu Zhao: Ruler of Tang Dynasty China.” Education About Asia 20, no. 2 (2015): 14–18. https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/wu-zhao-ruler-of-tang-dynasty-china/.

“Wu Zetian.” China Culture.

Image 1: Likely to be Zhang Xuan (张萱), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Image 2: Public domain, Courtesy of the British Library Archive